The Aviary (2005)

  • 美国
  • 片       名The Aviary
  • 上映时间2005年06月14日
  • 导       演 Abe Levy


  • [opening lines] Summer Pozzi: My name is Summer Pozzi. I'm a flight attendant. You've probably seen me on one of the flights. I'm the one in black heels and navy blue uniform bracing myself in the aisle at 30,000 feet while serving your coffee, collecting your trash, babysitting your children, cleaning up vomit, watching for terrorists, listening for engine problems, preparing the cabin for take-off, preparing the cabin for landing and everything in between. Summer Pozzi: Who needs the sweetener? Kate: It's way too late. Coffee service is over. Thanks anyway. Summer Pozzi: You asked for it. [pause] Kate: Look, I'm a flight attendant, okay? And your service has been atrocious. Summer Pozzi: I'm gonna check the manifest. If you are a flight attendant and you're on a pass, I'm writing you up. Your behavior is atrocious. [to Summer] Kate: Oh my God. What are *you* doing here? Portia: I wouldn't stop flying. I wouldn't stop for anything! What could possibly replace travelling the globe for free? Lucas: A diamond ring? Kate: Portia, your tits! That's a major fucking disaster! What the hell is wrong with them? Portia, what did they do to you? Lucas, it is terrible. You've got to see this. One is a scale model for the other! Flight Attendant #2: So, do you live with real people or flight attendants? Summer Pozzi: Flight attendants. Flight Attendant #2: Oh, that's good! [referring to Kate] Summer Pozzi: She's my roommate. Captain Julian: She's your roommate? You didn't say two words to each other last night. Summer Pozzi: We have plenty of time at home. [to Summer] Kate: You certainly aren't wasting any time, do you? Lucas, Julian... You really ought to give yourself a break, you must be exhausted! Kate: Please, no India. I'm still recovering from Delhi belly. Summer Pozzi: I guess I just expected a house full of the usual trolley dollies, that's all. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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