



剧情: Baby photographer Ronnie Jackson, on death row in San Quentin, tells reporters how he got there: taking care of his private-eye neighbor\'s office, Ronnie is as...


Three Strangers

剧情: According to a legend, if three strangers gather before an idol of Kwan Yin (the Chinese goddess of fortune and destiny) on the night of the Chinese New Year an...

The Verdict

剧情: Mr. Grodman was a respected superintendent at Scotland Yard until a mistake in an investigation caused the execution of an innocent man. He takes the blame and ...


剧情: Locals in an Italian village believe evil has taken over the estate of a recently deceased pianist where several murders have taken place. The alleged killer: t...


剧情: 悬疑的故事设计,巧合的恋情发生,令影片情节峰回路转!   漂亮的夜总会女歌手梅维斯·马洛午夜时分在自己的房间里被人勒死,班尼特被人看见曾匆匆从马洛的房间里走出来,警方遂将班尼特作为重点嫌疑对象并予以追捕,班尼特的夫人凯瑟琳和马洛的丈夫马蒂以最佳表演搭档身份为掩护开展调查,在调查中马蒂对凯瑟琳有了好感,由此案情却有了转...

The Chase

剧情: 美国 1946-11-16  1946|英国 1947-03-10  1947|瑞典 1947-08-04  1947|法国 1947-10-25  1947|澳大利亚 1947-11-13...


Hotel Berlin

剧情: Near the end of WW II, a member of the German underground (Martin Richter) escapes from the Gestapo and takes shelter at Hotel Berlin, where he meets Lisa Dorn,...

Confidential Agent

剧情: During the Spanish Civil War, a republican courier travels to England to try and buy coal. He meets with an amount of local hostility, while his life is at risk...



剧情: A mystery writer named Leyden is intrigued by the tale of notorious criminal Dimitrios Makropolous, whose body was found washed up on the shore in Istanbul. He ...

The Conspirators

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   Vincent Van Der Lyn, a Dutch freedom fighter in WWII, is forced to neutral Lisbon to escape the Nazis. There he meets a small band of underground cons...

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