


"Biography" Biography of the Year 2004

剧情: 美国 2004-12-15  2004


剧情: A black man (Glenn Plummer) is sentenced to death for the brutal death of three people. However, weeks before his execution, new evidence indicating his possibl...


剧情: 本片记录了盟军在诺曼底登陆前90天紧张的作战准备,同时描绘了点射的最高指挥官-欧洲盟军最高司令艾森豪威尔面对众多分歧、困难极大的情况下,如何排除各种不利因素,指挥若定,最终取得胜利的情节。这场战役也使他名扬四海,载入史册。   美国2004年罗伯特哈蒙执导的电视电影,老牌影星汤姆塞立克(《三个奶爸一个娃...


剧情: Ethically-challenged attorney Alan Shore, formerly of Young, Berluti, & Frutt, settles in at a wealthy and powerful firm focusing on civil cases. With some ...


Anus Magillicutty

剧情: When Anus Magillicutty\'s woman (Paige Abbott) stops a would-be assassin, Anus (Henry Lloyd) is forced to interrupt his life of guzzling beer and women to dispo...

Twelve Mile Road

剧情: Divorced farmer Stephen Landis (Tom Selleck) has girlfriend Leah (Anna Gunn) and her daughter Roxanne move in with him. His wild and unpredictable 16 year old d...

CBS at 75

剧情: 美国 2003-11-02  2003

Monte Walsh

剧情: Monte Walsh and Chet Rollins are long-time cowhands, working whatever ranch work comes their way, but "nothing they can\'t do from a horse." Their lives...

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