


Yesterday's Target

剧情: 冰岛 1999-02-02  1999|德国 1998-07-09  1998|新加坡 1997-03-20  1997

Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond

剧情: A star-studded tribute to Star Trek on its 30th anniversary, hosted by many of the stars and guest stars from all of the Trek series and movies. Also features a...


剧情: 太空舰企业号正在宇宙间做例行巡航时,舰长毕卡德接到密电,称博尔族人已联合其他星系的力量,准备向地球发起攻击。为了和平,舰长决定率舰返回地球,必要的时候再予以反击。但这次博尔族人选择的时机是经过考虑的,地球上刚打过第三次世界大战;其次,地球上的人正准备驾驶凤凰号火箭做历史性飞行,目的是与另一世界的生物做“第一类接...


"Star Trek: Voyager"

剧情: 美国 1995-01-16  1995|澳大利亚 1996-04-16  1996|德国 1996-06-21  1996|英国 1996-08-26  1996|克罗地亚 1997-01-...


Parallel Lives

剧情: This is a nostalgic look at the typical "Class Reunion" of a group after about a quarter of a century of going their separate ways after graduation. The...

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" All Good Things...

剧情: Past, present and future collide for Captain Picard as he finds himself bouncing around through three different time periods -- the Farpoint mission, the presen...


剧情: 疯狂博士苏伦野心勃勃,藉着超卓武器毁灭宇宙,并走到一处没有时空界限的领域,进行连串恐怖计划。为了挽救人类安危,23世纪的太空船冒险号的队长却克决定穿梭时空,与24世纪的冒险号船长比加会合,阻止外星侵略行动。In the late twenty-third century, the gala maiden voy...

Journey's End: The Saga of Star Trek - The Next Generation

剧情: Your destination: the 24th century. Your mission: to voyage where few have gone before--behind the scenes of Star Trek: The Next Generation! Join Jonathan Frake...

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