


In the Name of Love

剧情: 瑞典 2001-03-16  2001|英国 1999-09-06  1999

New World Disorder

剧情: A gang of four eyed crooks led by Kurt Bishop (McCarthy) are ripping off top dollar computer chips from a list of factories. The night they hit Dynaphase System...



剧情: An idealistic banker (Lothaire Bluteau) in the small town of Conquest, Saskatchewan (pop. 124) tries to make the small town work even though much of its youth h...

The Student Prince

剧情: The Queen\'s youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I\'m hopeless at anything else". Barry (Robson Green), his new bodyguard, has no time fo...

Frenchman's Creek

剧情: Seeking to escape the stifling London court society, the beautiful headstrong Lady Dona St. Columb (\'Tara Fitzgerald\' ) flees to her family estate on the Corn...

Little White Lies

剧情: The tragic, unexpected death of David (Martin Wenner) in a car-crash causes the cosy, safe life of gardener Beth (\'Fitzgerald, Tara\' ) to be thrown into compl...


剧情:     影片兼具悬疑、诡魅和浪漫,由玛丽安.费尔利的自白展开,故事从哈特瑞受聘到林莫瑞吉庄园教导玛丽安与洛娜学习绘画开始。    哈特瑞千里迢迢来到火车站却苦等不到接人的马车,于是想要步行至林莫瑞吉,途中巧遇身著白衣的神秘女子,伤心的欲向他叙述心中的秘密。哈特瑞来到庄园...


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

剧情: Based on a little known 1848 novel by Anne Bronte, Tara Fitzgerald stars as an enigmatic young woman who moves to 19th Century Yorkshire with a young son. Dista...


Six Characters in Search of an Author

剧情: 葡萄牙 1994-03-14  1994|美国 1996-04-02  1996

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