


Babylon 5: The Gathering

剧情: This TV movie is the pilot for the "Babylon 5" TV series. Set on a space station in the late 23rd Century, Babylon 5 is a centre of diplomacy and trade,...


Video jela, zelen bor

剧情: \"Dear Video\" is a black epistolary comedy which stars some of the finest actors from the former Yugoslavia. The film is constructed around the video \'corresp...


Gluvi barut

剧情: Bosnian Serb mountainous village is divided between Chetniks and Communist-led Partizans during the WWII. Hateread and violence between the neighbours ia a sini...


Boj na Kosovu

剧情: On June 28th 1389 at Kosovo Polje, the army of Serbian emperor Lazar made a stand against the advancing Ottoman forces of Sultan Murat, resulting in a great bat...


剧情: 在假想的未来世界,叛乱已经爆发。中仓宫旅馆,只是这种应急很久以前建造一个碉堡的权力争夺战的男人。但反叛间谍潜逃中,并很快怀疑是她的天性,虽然她离开观察愤激的颓废电源类,那些一直想知道他们的领袖,那些未能显示出来发生了什么事的时候。塞尔维亚 2006-11-24  2006|阿根廷 2005-0...


Braca po materi

剧情: This story about two maternal half-brothers, a Croat and a Serb. Although they never met, and both lose their loved ones in ethnic clashes, there is a bond betw...

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