电影网>明星资料馆>Paul Michael Glaser



"The Lyon's Den" Pilot

剧情: 瑞典 2006-11-13  2006|智利 2004-08-02  2004|美国 2003-09-28  2003

"Mister Sterling"

剧情: Bill Sterling, Jr. - a non-politico teacher at a Los Angeles correctional facility - is selected by the governor of California as a replacement for a deceased U...


剧情: 哈利·兰格是一位知名的、有权势的hip-hop音乐制作人,他年过半百,穿着笔挺的西装,脸上洋溢着轻松的笑容,除了头上稀疏的白头发显示了他的老态外,给人的感觉更多的是神采奕奕。哈利还是个老花花公子,擅长吸引30岁以下的女性,平时靠伟哥奋斗在泡妞的前线。在和现任女朋友玛琳浪漫之旅后,哈利来到了玛琳母亲的海滨别墅,不...


剧情: Montecito Casino & Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. Ed Deline (Cann) and Danny McCoy (Duhamel) works on the surveillance team of the casino. Since we are talking a...


"Robbery Homicide Division"

剧情: Drama centers on a captain (Tom Sizemore) and his team of cops in the elite robbery/homicide division of the Los Angeles Police Department that was also the sub...



剧情: Gabe, a brilliant film school graduate, wants to make a noir movie, but there\'s just one problem: no one wants to give him funding. After a chance encounter wi...

"The Agency"

剧情: 意大利 2004-09-01  2004|匈牙利 2004-03-31  2004|芬兰 2003-11-10  2003|西班牙 2003-10-10  2003|挪威 2003-06-1...

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