



剧情: 讲述一个退伍的海军陆战队员和他的高科技装备快艇(能变形会说话)与世界各地恐怖分子斗争以及夏威夷海滩、美女等等一系列故事,非常精彩。 剧中白发肌肉佬男主角斯宾塞现实中是美国著名的摔角手:Hulk Hogan。Terry \"Hulk\" Hogan stars as R. J. \"Hurricane\" Sp...


Waxwork II: Lost in Time

剧情: The couple that survives the wax museum in "Waxwork" is followed by a dismembered hand, which kills the girl\'s father, for which she must stand trial (...



剧情: Wolfang is traveling in outer space when a monster, which he sees as a beautiful woman, appears in his spaceship and makes love with him. Then the ship is force...

P.S.I. Luv U

剧情: Wanda (Sellecca) is a con-woman whom the NYPD arrested and convinced to help them nail a criminal. What she didn\'t expect was that she would have to testify at...

The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw

剧情: The Gambler Brady Hawkes is back and he\'s about to lose his primary means of livelihood, when a law banning gambling is about to be passed. But in honor of tha...


Chill Factor

剧情: 德国 1992-03-11  1992


Scrooge: A Christmas Carol

剧情: A special, syndicated presentation of the colorized version of \"Scrooge\", the 1951 classic film starring Alastair Sim. Macnee appears as host to the film, in ...

Masque of the Red Death

剧情: With a deadly plague ravaging his Renaissance kingdom, Prince Prospero invites his friends to retire to the protection of his castle for ongoing revels, leaving...

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