


Freak City

剧情: Freak City tells the moving story of a young woman, played by Samantha Mathis, who contracts Multiple Sclerosis and is institutionalized by her family. Alone an...

"The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn"

剧情: 美国 1999-03-31  1999Announcer: And now it\'s time for \'Craig Almost Seals The Deal With His Lady Friend, But Blows It On The Very Last Line.\' ...


剧情: 本片是叙述男女之间爱情友情复杂错综的人性故事,麦可和疯子本是一对恋人但疯子似乎对爱情,友情的界线始终举棋不定在聚聚离离的过程中二人之间似乎有一堵无形的墙将二人似有若无的档,疯子一直试着朝麦可希望的形象去改变···在一次无意第场合里她得知麦可已另结新欢,悲痛不已,终于她从内心的阴影中走了出来决定重新定位自己的人生。 &n...



剧情: 一个是个性刻板、爱挑剔的老头,一个是邋遢、爱说大话的前运动播报员,为了参加子女的婚礼,两人在洛杉矶机场不期而遇,决定结伴开车上路。一路上历经各种碰上汽车爆炸和各种形形色色的怪胎。

The Inspectors

剧情: U.S Postal Inspectors (Louis Gossett, Jr., Jonathon Silverman) are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on th...


London Suite

剧情: On one day at an English Hotel, four different stories are shown. Diana is in London to promote her Television Series and her ex-husband Sidney shows up to ask ...


French Exit

剧情: This movie attempts a persiflage on the Hollywood film industry, depicting two young authors, struggling on their way to their first successful screenplay: Righ...

"The Single Guy"

剧情: 美国 1995-09-21  1995advertisement [Jonathan is writing a kid-friendly sermon for a priest] Jonathan Eliot: I\'m a Mighty Morphin\' Powe...

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