



剧情: Set in the 1940\'s, James Earl Jones as an an old clockmaker faces racism and is tried for murder when the racist is killed. However, Kevin Kilner comes forward...

"Promised Land"

剧情: 美国 1996-09-17  1996|匈牙利 2001-04-18  2001|德国 2002-08-27  2002advertisement Russel Greene: A wise man is not...



剧情: 与人为善本来是值得鼓励的好德行,可是遇到了贪心不足的坏痞子,却可能会因此惹祸上身。布鲁斯.戴维森饰演一名仁慈的财务分析师布莱德,一日偶然伸出援手帮助陌生人理察德.托马斯,自此陷入重重困境,工作和家庭都因而出现危机,落得好心没好报。导演诺尔.诺赛克采用悬疑惊僳片手法将陌生人的可怕一步一步进逼,较富戏剧吸引力,虽然是电视电...

A Walton Wedding

剧情: Fifth Waltons TV movie is set in 1964 which has John-Boy Walton planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daugh...

Death in Small Doses

剧情: One night Nancy Lyon awakes in pain and dies shortly after - poisoned with arsenic. Her family immediately suspects her husband Richard, who left her temporaril...

The Invaders

剧情: 美国 1995-11-12  1995|葡萄牙 1998-11-06  1998

The Christmas Box

剧情: 英国 1997-12-23  1997|美国 1995-12-17  1995


To Save the Children

剧情: Teacher Jake Downey has relocated to a small town in Wyoming hoping to escape the urban problems of his last assignment. His myth of rural bliss is shattered wh...

"Touched by an Angel"

剧情: 美国 1994-09-21  1994 (re-release)|德国 1995-10-22  1995|法国 1996-11-08  1996|克罗地亚 1996-12-22  1996|匈牙利 ...



剧情: Two couples, friends for a long time, decide to go away together. Things soon take a turn for the worse when Linda and Jeff spend far to much time together inst...

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