


"Buddy Faro"

剧情: 美国 1998-09-25  1998|芬兰 1999-06-07  1999|法国 2000-05-01  2000|瑞典 2001-02-27  2001|匈牙利 2004-07-11&...

Went to Coney Island on a Mission from God... Be Back by Five

剧情: Two young men (Jon Cryer, Rick Stear) who have been friends since early childhood decide to go on a trip to find a third friend (Rafael Baez) who has long since...


剧情:   在1982年拍摄了一部影响深刻且引起广泛争议的同名探索电影《迷墙》(Pink Floyd The Wall),片中没有一句对白,完全以画面结合原唱片中的歌曲以阐述了 Waters 的创作概念.     本片是“迷幻摇滚”的掌门乐队“平克·佛洛依德...


剧情: 剧情简介本片背景为第二次世界大战期间血腥的贺根森林之役。在整排的战友被敌人歼灭后,唯一幸存的二等兵大卫曼宁被升为士官。由于承受不了带领新兵的压力,曼宁以精神不适的理由申请退役,然而曼宁的指挥官却向他提出条件:只要带兵攻下一座德军的哨站,他就将曼宁的退役申请呈报上去。但在残酷无情的战争中,重要的并非胜利,而是如何自战场上...


Dead Man's Gun

剧情: It is only a gun - not a common gun but its mystery is not the unusual manufacture but the fact that it is a dead man\'s gun. Three stories follow the fate of s...

The Winner

剧情: A story about a man who can\'t seem to do anything but win at the tables in Vegas. This, of course, brings hustlers out of the woodwork intent on using him for ...

The Road of Excess

剧情: Interviews with friends of the late Jim Morrison and several people involved with the making of the film, The Doors (1991), delve into what Morrison meant to ev...


剧情: 剧情简介嘉伦是警方人质谈判专家,在荒芜的公路撞倒路执照,于是乘坐法兰及蕾安两夫妇的顺风车。途中,法兰从油站业主口中得知妻子有外遇,怒火中烧,他开枪将妻子击毙,嘉伦侥幸逃到政府秘保密验室暂避。嘉伦发现该处进行的实验能令她到回过去的二十分钟。为了救蕾安一命,她尝试到回过去,岂料牵连的人越来越多……

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