



剧情: 比利时 2007-06-20 法国 2007-05-17 波兰 2007-10-19


Shooting Vegetarians

剧情: Neil has been a vegetarian for one thousand two hundred and sixty three days. He and his girlfriend Daisy like to spend their days skateboarding, drinking organ...


剧情:   布里斯是一个崇拜明星并要赶超明星的冲浪爱好者,总是在法国的里维埃拉的地中海岸边一带闲逛。在等待最合适的海浪到达期间,他主要的消遣就是在那里举办各种聚会,发明各种典型的西哈诺(喜剧电影《大鼻子情圣》中的男主角)式的整人花样。可惜,地中海是少见的无浪海域。   冲浪迷布里斯对朋友的问候语不是“Ca va?”(你好吗?...

Sorry, Haters

剧情: Ashade is a Syrian chemist who drives a cab in New York City and looks after his French-speaking sister-in-law and her child while they seek the release of Asha...


À quoi ça sert de voter écolo?

剧情: 法国 2004-01-31  2004

Paradise now - Journal d'une femme en crise

剧情: 法国 2004-07-06  2004|德国 2004-02-12  2004

Stormy Weather

剧情: A very sad but genuinely human story. The middle-aged Icelandic woman Loa is seriously mentally ill. Finally it turns out that her husband is a latent alcoholic...

America Brown

剧情: 美国 2004-05-09  2004

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