电影网>明星资料馆>Jennifer Gray



The Man Who Lost Himself

剧情: 美国 1941-03-21  1941|瑞典 1941-11-24  1941


剧情: French farce comes to the New World in 1840 as Claire Ledoux convinces the middle-aged banker who is her fiance that she is two different women -- a deception m...


It's a Date

剧情: 美国 1940-03-22  1940|瑞典 1940-09-24  1940|芬兰 1945-01-28  1945|法国 1945-03-28  1945|丹麦 1945-05-16&n...

Drums of Fu Manchu

剧情: 美国 1940-03-15  1940



剧情: 刘别谦导演的喜剧经典作,假如你从来没有欣赏过葛丽泰.嘉宝的银幕风姿,本片是一个很好的开始。她在本片中扮演一名苏俄女干部,奉派前往巴黎调查三名手下追寻一批沙皇时代珠宝的工作进度。不料她自己置身在自由浪漫的花都之后也不禁思想解冻,并且跟当地的中年美国男子茂文.道格拉斯发生了难分难解的爱情。编导从人性的角度来探讨共产...

Society Lawyer

剧情: 美国 1939-03-21  1939|瑞典 1940-03-26  1940|丹麦 1940-05-13  1940

The Amazing Mr. Williams

剧情: 美国 1939-11-22  1939 (premiere)|美国 1939-11-23  1939 (New York City, New York)|瑞典 1940-01-12  1940 (Barcelona)|美国 ...

Sergeant Madden

剧情: 美国 1939-03-24  1939|丹麦 1939-09-04  1939|瑞典 1940-01-15  1940|芬兰 1940-10-27  1940|1973-06-24 &nbs...

You Can't Cheat an Honest Man

剧情: Larson E. Whipsnade runs a seedy circus which is perpetually in debt. His performers give him nothing but trouble, especially Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy....

Big Town Czar

剧情: 美国 1939-05-03  1939 (New York City, New York)|美国 1939-05-11  1939

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