
Roger Ashton-Griffiths
  • 介       绍
     Dual Canadian/British nationalities. Read Music at Lancaster University (1975-78) before joining English National Opera as singer (1979-81). Theatre credits subsequently include Gloucester (King Lear) at Colchester, Judge Turpin (Sweeney Todd) at Liverpool and Watford, Algol (Space Queen Maladjusta) at Southampton, Angelo (Archangels Don't Play Pinball) at Bristol. Married BBC studio manager Sharmini Thillaimuthu. Two children. Lives in London and Suffolk.
     Dual Canadian/British nationalities. Read Music at Lancaster University (1975-78) before joining English National Opera as singer (1979-81). Theatre credits subsequently include Gloucester (King Lear) at Colchester, Judge Turpin (Sweeney Todd) at Liverpool and Watford, Algol (Space Queen Maladjusta) at Southampton, Angelo (Archangels Don't Play Pinball) at Bristol. Married BBC studio manager Sharmini Thillaimuthu. Two children. Lives in London and Suffolk.
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