电影网>明星资料馆>Todd Bridges




剧情: Two teams of two contestants, each of whom had been isolated in separate study chambers and kept awake for 24 hours, compete in this general knowledge quiz. Dur...

Black Ball

剧情: 美国 2003-08-26  2003

Ghost Dog: A Detective Tail

剧情: Kyle\'s a police officer, and his partner is his dog, Hunter. Hunter gets killed in the line of duty, and his spirit comes back in the body of a criminal named ...


剧情: 冰岛 2003-11-21  2003[Repeated line, between segments.] Announcer: Quick! What else we got? Announcer: [repeated line before challenges] PLA...

"I Love the '70s"

剧情: 美国 2003-08-18  2003Joel Stein: [On "Land of the Lost"] Steven Spielberg really ripped them off with "Jurassic Park." Hal Spar...


剧情:   迪奇-罗伯茨(Dickie Roberts,大卫-史贝德饰,David Spade)是20世纪70年代活跃于电视屏幕、深受观众喜爱的一名童星。不到6岁的他主演的电视连续剧(\"The Glimmer Gang\")在电视台播放时曾达到万人空巷的效果,在片中他所塑造的机灵鬼形象令无数观众为之着迷。   一夜之间...


剧情: 剧情简介一部已故黑人说唱歌手图派克·谢库尔(tupacshakur)生平的纪录片。这部影片用他生前的演唱会和家庭录像的镜头结集而成。制作背景图派克·沙克是美国著名说唱歌手,1996年被枪杀的时候年仅25岁,至今此案尚未尘埃落定。图派克生前就已经有巨大影响,他的死更是激起了人们--尤其是他的歌迷们无与伦比的热情。此前,已...


剧情:    好莱坞喜剧演员波利·肖尔失去了一切:他的房子,好莱坞没有人记得他,他与妈妈回到老家并在那里的一家店做泊车生。有天晚上他来到母亲的阁楼,一个已经死去的著名演员出现在他的面前并告诉他杀死自己可以被追认为喜剧天才。波利然后伪造自己的死亡,媒体开始变得疯狂……Hollywood comedi...


Diamonds from the Bantus

剧情: 美国 2002-03-01  2002

The Beach House

剧情: 美国 2002-02-13  2002

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