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剧情:   本片根据真实事件改编而成。1976年英国酒商史蒂文·斯拜瑞尔在巴黎组织了一次品酒会。史蒂文专卖法国酒,他举办这场比赛的原意是想借美国两百周年国庆日造势,彰显法国酒的优势,以赢得更多的对法国酒的关注。没想比赛结果令人大跌眼镜。来自美国加州的葡萄酒打败了历来被人们所膜拜的法国酒,改变了只有法国酒才是品质象征,而加州酒只...


"Wizards of Waverly Place"

剧情: "Wizards of Waverly Place" focuses on the Russos. A typical family, which includes a mom, Theresa Russo; a dad, Jerry Russo; a son, Justin Russo; a daug...


"Out of Practice"

剧情: 美国 2005-11-08  2005advertisement Dr. Lydia Barnes: I see Ben\'s not the only one having lunch with a cupcake. Dr. Regina Barnes: Tru...


"I'm with Her"

剧情: On the day that would change his life, delightful young everyman Patrick Owen is drinking his mid-morning latte when he\'s bitten by love. Literally. The gnashi...

"All About the Andersons"

剧情: Anthony\'s a struggling actor trying to provide a good life for his young son, Tuga. He makes the tough decision to move back in with his parents - and instantl...

CBS at 75

剧情: 美国 2003-11-02  2003


Murphy Brown: TV Tales

剧情: 美国 2002-08-26  2002

"Greetings from Tucson"

剧情: The colorful Campos family, real middle class who\'ve recently moved up from working class, is headed by patriarch Joaquin and his wife, Elizabeth. Fifteen year...

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