电影网>明星资料馆>Scott P. Levy




剧情:   将卖座科幻片「MIB星际战警」大开玩笑,两名清洁垃圾工人误打误撞登上一架神秘的不名飞行物体,以为被罗致成为高级特工,对付外星侵略者,怎料后来却变成外星人奴隶,还牵涉入邪恶科学家策划的外星人侵略阴谋。Two garbagemen (Tom Wilson, Karim Prince) are picked up by ...

Error in Judgment

剧情: 葡萄牙 2001-03-10  2001|法国 1999-05-08  1999



剧情: 美军阿拉巴马号核子潜水潜水艇再一次出航任务时意外地进入时光隧道,回来食只有狄更斯舰长一人生还,虽然政府与大众怀疑的说词,但是有蓝斯博士肯定这可能性,于是设法将狄更斯就出精神疗养院,而请他担任时光之旅的潜水艇指挥官,同行的还有漂亮能干的马杰丽女博士,这次重回百慕达三角洲,终于再同一地点进入2077年的未来世界,遇...


House of the Damned

剧情: Will and Maura, despite their marital problems, decide to come to Ireland and live on Maura\'s ancestral estate, bringing with them their daughter Aubrey. But s...


Baby Face Nelson

剧情: Bonnie and Clyde were no match for Depression Era gangster George \"Babyface\" Nelson and his moll Helen Womack. Constantly on the lam from the law and from Chi...

The Alien Within

剧情: Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people\'s minds, so survivors can\'t...


剧情: Doctor Baines has been conducting genetic experiments on piranhas and has made them virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately, his assistants, Maggie and Paul, accid...

A Bucket of Blood

剧情: A talentless artist accidently kills a cat and covers it up in plaster. He then sells it as a statue, and starts gaining the respect of the snobby group of arti...


Midnight Tease

剧情: Between the realms of fantasy and reality lies Club Fugazi, a strip bar where the girls are being brutally murdered. The lead dancer dreams about killing the st...



剧情: 一位美国生物学家改变了鸡蛋的基因,创造出一种硕大无比的恐龙,且将之放生于中西部的小镇上;诞生的恐龙残暴无比,胃口亦奇大,任何阻扰它的人或兽,都成了它的食粮,一场可能毁灭世界的大战,即将爆发。  <!--香港百视达-->A brilliant geneticist, Diane Ladd, plan...

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