


Frosty Returns

剧情: Twitchell\'s invented Summer Wheeze: a spray-can that instantly removes snow and slush. And Beansborough\'s getting snow-free. And Holly has to keep Frosty from...

It's Spring Training, Charlie Brown!

剧情: As springtime rolls around, Charlie Brown\'s team is performing the usual hopeless task of getting in shape for the new season. To improve the team\'s morale, C...


Snoopy's Reunion

剧情: Years ago, at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, a unique litter is born. With members including Snoopy, Spike and Belle, they grow up healthy and a good music band. Ho...


Why, Charlie Brown, Why?

剧情: A new girl comes to the neighbourhood school and Linus is smitten with her. Unfortunately, she develops the symptoms of leukemia and must go to the hospital for...


Snoopy: The Musical

剧情: 美国 1988-01-29  1988

It's the Girl in the Red Truck, Charlie Brown

剧情: She has a winning smile, a sunny outlook that can match the brightest dawn, and a ready supply of dee-doubledog-delicious dog biscuits. It\'s the Girl in the Re...


Happy New Year, Charlie Brown!

剧情: 美国 1986-01-01  1986


The Romance of Betty Boop

剧情: In 1939, in New York, Betty Boop is a girl adored by her neighbors and a hard worker: she sells shoes in a shoe store along the day, and sings in the Bubble Clu...

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