



剧情: A middle class widow\'s life is turned upside down when her son is accused in a murder. She runs from pillar to post to get justice for her son but, being caugh...

Pehchaan: The Face of Truth

剧情: Swati Azad and Mridula are two inseparable friends in college. Both do well in their studies, successfully complete college and get married to Ajay Lal and Mili...



剧情: 女医生芭丽(意思是“仙女”)和广告部经理里夏布是一对恩爱夫妻,芭丽为丈夫的广告创意提供了很多灵感。不幸的是,一天芭丽在上班的路上发生车祸而身受重伤。她留下遗嘱,把自己的心脏捐给急需心脏移植的女孩儿达妮。芭丽的心脏给了达妮第二次生命,但是里夏布并不知道接受者是谁,因为他不愿意把芭丽的心脏给别人。 达妮接受了芭丽的心脏以后...

Krishna Cottage

剧情: 印度 2004-04-02  2004


剧情: Dev is the saga of Dev and Tej\'s friendship, a bond stronger than blood ties in which Farhaan emerges as the wedge driving them apart. The story unfolds agains...

Dukaan: Pila House

剧情: A large multi-storied building formerly known as "Play House", where actors used to stage various plays, but after the plays stopped, came to be known a...

Kis Kis Ki Kismat

剧情: A famous miserly stockbroker/financier throws his annoyingly extravagant wife\'s saffire necklece off the roof of his mansion to prove to her he\'s not a miser ...

Shukriya: Till Death Do Us Apart

剧情: Thirty years ago Karam Jindal together with his widowed mom, Gayatri, and wife, Sandhya, had immigrated to London, England. Shortly thereafter Gayatri gets canc...


剧情: Diya Malhotra的母亲自小过世,与父亲Coorg Malhotra相依为命,是一个相信缘分,相信爱情的女孩。Arjun Khanna是一个崇尚自由精神,爱玩,爱冒险的家伙,可是他不懂爱情,把自己终生伴侣的选择权交给了自己父母。在偶然的机会,Diya与Arjun相遇了,友谊开始在他们之间发生,慢慢地,爱情的种子...

Hum Tum

剧情: karan是一位热爱漫画的漫画社的画家,Hum tum是他笔下的漫画人物。他喜欢画画,因为在漫画世界中没有国界,没有宗教,只有男孩和女孩。 karan第一次遇见Rhea是在印度飞往阿姆斯特丹的飞机上,Rhea是一个可爱活泼的女孩,两人第一次见面Karan就阴差阳错地吻了她,这使得Rhea对他印象极差. 两...

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