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Murder in Paradise

剧情: 美国 1990-01-19  1990


剧情: Police Officer Alex Kearney works in a rich plush suburb of Philadelphia. (The police station looks like it came from Beverly Hills) When he stops an important ...

Parker Kane

剧情: Parker Kane (Jeff Fahey) is a former Police Detective turned Private Investigator. When close friend Joey (David Cureso) is murdered, leaving behind a briefcase...



剧情: 故事内容以1938年纽约一家集赌、色、酒、气兼具的夜总会为主,由于该夜总会的主持人及其义子经营得有声有色,使该店在当地名噪一时,但是他们的成功却引起恶名昭彰坏蛋的觊觎,欲强行插手管夜总会;为了保护自己,两人决心给他们好看! \"Sugar\" Ray is the owner of an illegal ca...

Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder

剧情: Perry has been in hospital for a knee operation but, while recovering, he sees Johnny out of the window. Johnny was a ex-stage manager for a musical called Poll...

The Preppie Murder

剧情: This is the story of a young woman who was found dead. Now the police investigate, and evidence points to a man she was seen leaving a party with. Now when ques...


剧情: 影片讲述了在纽约最热的一天,在布鲁克林某个黑人街区所发生的故事。Samuel Jackson扮演的DJ,每天的工作就是看着季节上的风景胡言乱语。然后是一个叫迈耶的老人在收音机的聒噪声中从梦中醒来。然后是一个叫斯迈里的白人大傻子,在接上兜售一张Martin Luther King Jr.和Markem X的合影照...



剧情: A homicidal maniac is accidentally released from a hospital because of a computer error and heads to the site (a sorority) of his past murders to continue his p...

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