电影网>明星资料馆>Jeremy Akerman



The Dive from Clausen's Pier

剧情: 意大利 2007-03-20  2007|美国 2005-07-25  2005


剧情:   前洛杉矶高级凶案组探员Jesse Stone,被派到缅因州靠近海岸的小镇作警长,过着相对简单悠闲的生活。在犯罪率低下的天堂镇,Stone努力想靠醉酒、避开刻薄的前妻,和新的年轻女友保持安全距离,来减少生活中的烦杂。但是在当一个死尸冲到海岸和一个高中学生供认自己被不止一个,而是几个袭击者强奸后,Stone和天堂的...


Sleep Murder

剧情: An Inuit man is accused of the brutal double murder of his mother and brother, but he claims no memory of the crime. Big city lawyer Peter Radwell (Priestley) i...

Plain Truth

剧情: Discomfort strikes an Amish farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania when a dead baby is found. When the mother is discovered and confirmed to be eighteen-year ol...


剧情:   格瑞西的母亲是个生活放荡的瘾君子,她的弟弟妹妹甚至都是由母亲和不同男人所生。由于格瑞西母亲的不负责任,一家人经常吃了上顿没下顿,还要不停搬家,以逃避催要房租的房东和找上门来的警察。格瑞西已经受够了这种生活。一直以来都是她在代替母亲行使一家之主的责任。如今17岁的她决定与母亲争夺弟弟妹妹的养育权,希望在自己的照顾下,...

The Riverman

剧情: 美国 2004-09-06  2004


Rush of Fear

剧情: A vacation turns into a nightmare when Alex\'s husband is kidnapped by ruthless diamond thieves. With no help from the local police, Alex is forced to rescue Ja...

Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion

剧情: Shattered City, an epic two-part mini-series, dramatizes a compelling piece of Canadian history. It is the story of how a tragic incident at the height of the F...

Finding John Christmas

剧情: 阿根廷 2004-12-01  2004|美国 2003-11-30  2003

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