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剧情: Mahoro, a female combat android, had an excellent track record working for the military organization Vesper. However, while on one mission, her creator is kille...


我的女神 剧场版

剧情:   大学生森里萤一与女神贝露丹蒂已经相识三年了,因为一句“我希望你这样的女神能够在我的身边”而结下契约的两人在一起过着幸福快乐的生活。可是,森里萤一与贝露丹蒂并非是毫无问题的伴侣。猫实工大自动车部新社员欢迎晚会上,喝醉的长谷川和萤一抱在一起的情景被贝露丹蒂看到。伤心的贝露丹蒂离开会场,而在校舍一角等候贝露丹蒂的人,竟然...


剧情: Duero McFile: You\'d better get the infirmary ready. It looks like we\'re gonna be busy. Gascogne: Smile, smile! Misty Cornwell: I\'m not even from Meja...

"Rurouni Kenshin"

剧情: 美国 2000-07-18  2000Kenshin Himura: We once fought together for an ideal with our swords. It wasn\'t for power or for glory, but to create a peace...



剧情: 日本 1999-06-30  1999



剧情: 鲁邦终于被捕了,他的结局是上绞刑架被处死,医学报告证实了这个已经被处死的犯人正是鲁邦本人。然而钱形警部深信死了的这个绝不是真正的鲁邦…… 本作为鲁邦三世第一部剧场版,于1978年12月16日上映。In Transylvania, Lupin III, the notorious international thi...


The Good, the Bad, and the Stupid: The Misadventures of Bulk and Skull

剧情: Thanks to a battle between See Monster and the Shogun Zords, Bulk and Skull end up getting trapped in a cave. Stuck there until somebody rescues them, the pair ...

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