


Apollo 11

剧情: Fearful that the Russians would continue their lead in the space race and be the first to put a man on the moon, NASA felt an enormous pressure to push the Apol...

Have You Seen My Son

剧情: 美国 1996-01-08  1996|德国 1999-01-05  1999|法国 2002-06-17  2002

The Rockford Files: If the Frame Fits...

剧情: In this episode of film sequels to the original tv series, James Garner\'s classic detective, Jim Rockford, is framed for the murder of another rival detective ...


剧情: 乔安娜是一位害羞、内向过着传统大学生活的19岁女生,她认为读书与工作是她唯一该做的事,但她的朋友却劝她应加入高收入、高享受的大学应召女郎行列。乔安娜在没人知道的情况之下开始了她的双重人生。她也突然了解了她所做的事变成了一场无法逃脱的恶梦。但她也成功地成为一位每个人都想传召的应召女郎。  Thanks to a roo...


剧情: After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her surburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter (Nick Stahl). When the victim ident...


剧情: 狄坚上尉是美国空军一名十分出色的机师,他英勇善战,屡获殊荣,却始终得不到升职。他的好友希尔中尉是他的副手,但在拳台上,希尔每次打赌均输给狄坚。在一次执行飞行任务时,狄坚计划劫持隐型战机上的两枚核导弹,他将希尔打出了机舱,投下核弹,飞机在自然公园坠毁。 希尔的降落伞救了他一命,但他却遭到公园巡警泰莉的拘捕,经过打斗与说服...


剧情: Sort of Civil War version of "Schindler\'s List" looks at the atrocities that occurred in the 1864 prisoner-of-war camp run by the Confederacy in Georgi...


Rave Review

剧情: 美国 1995-09-13  1995

Kidnapped: In the Line of Duty

剧情: Arthur Milo, an IRS official with access to detailed personal and financial data, chooses his kidnap victims from his files. Pete Honeycutt is in charge of the ...


剧情: 一名披着斗蓬的年轻工人站在高空,乱挥宝剑,声称自己是盖世情圣唐璜,他因为失去了所爱,现在宣布自杀。警察把他认定为疯子,捉他到精神科医生Jack那里。临近退休的Jack利用十天时间为这位伪唐璜诊断。岂料,整个过程中,唐璜以极富诗意的口吻向Jack诉说了他浪漫的冒险经历,此时,Jack相信他并不是疯子,反而刺激了自...

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