电影网>明星资料馆>Karen Arthur



Dead by Sunset

剧情: 美国 1995-11-19  1995|以色列 2000-06-02  2000|瑞典 2000-07-10  2000

Love and Betrayal: The Mia Farrow Story

剧情: 美国 1995-02-28  1995Woody Allen: The heart wants what it wants. Mia Farrow: The heart?! You don\'t have one!

"New York News"

剧情: 美国 1995-09-28  1995|德国 1997-06-22  1997|克罗地亚 1997-09-29  1997



剧情:   爱莉丝刚出监狱不久即又遭陷害入狱,回到狱中,她发现一切均已经改变,狱中警官滥用职权强暴及虐待罪犯,爱莉丝不惧强权,誓死反抗,最终反而得以提前假释出狱,出狱后,爱莉丝下定决心要帮助受苦受难的狱友,于是找......   <!--PREVIDER-->lindalsh<!--lin...


The Disappearance of Christina

剧情: Joe and Christina\'s marriage is in trouble when they take a sailing trip with their married best friends. On the trip, Christina vanishes and is presumed dead....



剧情: 感人肺腑的电视电影,由老牌巨星柯克.道格拉斯主演,在片中饰演一个农业镇上颇得人缘的老爷爷麦克。当地居民鼓吹他出来竞选市民代表,为农民福祉和环保尽一番心力,他也欣然答应。不料此时麦克却发现九岁的孙子丹尼患上阅读能力部分丧失症状,而此事跟麦克有极大关连,儿子派屈克跟麦克之间一向存在的心结此时更加扩大,眼看家人之间的亲情将分...

The Jacksons: An American Dream

剧情: The Jacksons are your average working-class family in Gary, Indiana; but when their father discovers the kids have an extraordinary musical talent they form a b...


Shadow of a Doubt

剧情: Charlie is a young woman who is thrilled that her favorite Uncle Charlie is coming home for good. But she soon discovers that her namesake, a "Wall Street f...

Bump in the Night

剧情: Martha \"Red\" Tierney used to be a hot-shot reporter, but that was before alcohol took over her life. One morning Martha\'s son Jonathan leaves for school, sto...


Blue Bayou

剧情: 美国 1990-01-15  1990

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