电影网>明星资料馆>Arthur Aylesworth




剧情: Santa Fe Trail是美国历史上自密苏里州到新墨西哥州圣塔非的着名篷车小道,1821年,Santa Fe Trail开放给国际贸易者使用,美国移民开始移入新墨西哥。本片讲述了这条开辟这条要道的艰难和血腥过程。The story of Jeb Stewart, his ro...

The Bride Wore Crutches

剧情: 澳大利亚 1940-09-19  1940 (New York City, New York)|美国 1941-05-25  1941


剧情: 金.维多导演的西部冒险片杰作。斯潘塞.特蕾西在片中饰演大无畏的骑兵队队长罗伯特.罗杰斯,在充满暴力血腥的西部原野中跟印第安人展开了一连串激烈的追踪缠斗。故事发生在英国殖民时期的1759年,罗杰斯奉命率领骑兵队深入西北边陲地带,扫荡由法军撑腰的印第安人,不料功亏一簧,被他们从地图上没有的路线逃跑了。在骑兵队追踪的...


剧情: 英文简短剧情:   In flashback, fifty years after inventing the light bulb, an 82-year-old Edison tells his story starting at age twenty-two with his arrival in New Yor...


剧情: Cole Hardin just doesn\'t look like a horse thief, Jane-Ellen Matthews tells Judge Roy Bean as she steps up to the bar. Cole says he can\'t take it with him as ...



剧情:   青年林肯刚在伊利诺州进入社会工作时,对自己的前途并无定见,曾经在女友的坟前默默祈祷,渴望获得指引。后来决定进入法律界,接手了一些辩护的案子,但没有受到重视。直至他卷入了朋友的两个儿子被控谋杀的案子中,林肯办案的聪明和勇敢才受到瞩目,从此平步青云。Ten years in the life of Abraham Li...

Bad Little Angel

剧情: 美国 1939-10-27  1939

6,000 Enemies

剧情: 美国 1939-06-09  1939

In Name Only

剧情: While out riding in the country, wealthy New Yorker Alec Walker meets young widow Julie Eden, and a relationship quickly develops. However, Alec has not told he...

The Return of Doctor X

剧情: New York newspaper reporter Walter Barnett finds himself out of a job after he claims to have found actress Angela Merrova dead in her apartment - only the next...

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