


On the Edge

剧情: Dakota Smith (Fred Williamson) is an ex-cop and former private eye with a proclivity for community service. When a young basketball player entangles himself wit...


剧情:   在不久的未来,复制人这项科技为人类带来的灾难远大于福祉,因此世界卫生组织下令,禁止制造复制人。然而,在诺瓦企业里有个叫做欧博士(Pat Morita,「阴风怒吼大蟒蛇」、「小子难缠」)的疯狂科学家却不顾禁令,发展出一种能操纵复制人心智的科技。诺瓦企业发觉后立刻开除欧博士,并撤销他的执照。心怀怨恨的欧博士为...

Jim Brown: All American

剧情: 美国 2002-03-22  2002


剧情: Filmmaker Isaac Julien takes us back to the early 1970s and the explosion of blaxploitation films, today one of America\'s most beloved cult genres. These fun a...


Deadly Rhapsody

剧情: The life of a beautiful rising female recording star is placed in jeopardy when she witnesses the drive-by shooting of a rival rap-star in Las Vegas. Wanted by ...

A Huey P. Newton Story

剧情: 英国 2002-04-18  2002|意大利 2002-01-25  2002|加拿大 2001-09-09  2001|美国 2001-06-18  2001|墨西哥 2001-06-0...

Carmen: A Hip Hopera

剧情: Carmen, a seduceful aspiring actress seems to lead trouble everywhere she goes. But when a hard-nosed cop, Hill, falls in love with her, trouble is always aroun...


Down 'n Dirty

剧情: Dakota Smith is an experienced policeman with a problem: his partner was shot dead, and corrupt cops are responsible. Dak\'s investigation leads him to widespre...


剧情: 史帝芬公司研发出可以利用卫星发射的太空武器,但却被恶徒觊觎,将程式软体窃走,恶徒们并安排坠机事件,想将史帝芬公司的主管们淹死在海中,还好联邦探员麦克急中生智想办法让飞机浮出水面救出了大家,但史帝芬的老板巴伯却无法及时逃出而葬身大海中,麦克根据线索找到了恶徒的下落,一举将他们歼灭,同时也毁掉遥控电脑的软体,让太空武器无法...

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