电影网>明星资料馆>Walter Baldwin




剧情:   在远洋轮上当技师的尼克周游列国带着一大堆礼物兴高采烈回家,然而一到家他发现父亲的腿没有了,他的父亲是个做长途贩运的卡车司机因为奸商麦克暗算而变成残废并且被麦克讹走一大笔钱,年轻气盛的尼克决定为父亲讨回公道,于是,他和人结伴收购了果园里的苹果准备去卖,一路上,他们遇到了暴胎、瞌睡、受伤种种困难终于将货物运到了市场,在...

The Gay Amigo

剧情: 美国 1949-05-13  1949


剧情: 两个男人从美国内战回到了科罗拉多州,然而,其中欧文因为在被关押在军营受到了精神创伤,行为变得越来越暴力,他的朋友迪不得不想尽一切办法治疗他。他俩都喜欢上一个叫卡罗琳的女孩,女孩选择了欧文,但结婚的喜悦不能治疗欧文的病态,最后在一件抢劫案上欧文与迪发生了争执,迪走了,欧文的病情加重,他甚至连妻子也关起来,还要通缉迪,最终...

Calamity Jane and Sam Bass

剧情: 美国 1949-07-04  1949|瑞典 1949-07-18  1949|芬兰 1950-03-31  1950|丹麦 1950-12-11  1950|西德 1951-12-21&n...


剧情: Two nuns from a French convent arrive in a small New England town with a plan to build a children\'s hospital. They enlist the help of several colorful characte...


Winter Meeting

剧情: Spinster poetess Susan Grieve lives in a Manahattan apartment where naval hero Slick Novak comes with her for a nightcap. Next morning they visit her Connecticu...


剧情: 美国 1948-01-30  1948|瑞典 1948-08-23  1948|芬兰 1948-09-17  1948|丹麦 1950-01-09  1950|西德 1955-11-29&n...

On Our Merry Way

剧情: 瑞典 1952-06-02  1952|丹麦 1951-08-15  1951|芬兰 1950-10-06  1950|法国 1950-03-01  1950|美国 1948-02-03&n...


剧情: David Harvey is a widower with a young son, Davey, and they live on an isolated Ohio farm during the pioneer days. He wants his son to be raised in the manner h...

Cry of the City

剧情: Petty crook and cop-killer Martin Rome, in bad shape from wounds in the hospital prison ward, still refuses to help slimy lawyer Niles clear his client by confe...

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