电影网>明星资料馆>Edgar Barrier



Nob Hill

剧情: 美国 1945-06-13  1945 (San Francisco, California)|美国 1945-07-13  1945 (Los Angeles, California)|澳大利亚 1945-11-15  1945...

A Game of Death

剧情: 美国 1945-11-23  1945 (New York City, New York)


Cobra Woman

剧情: Upon discovering his fiancée Tollea has been kidnaped, Ramu and his friend Kado set out for a Pacific isle where all strangers are to be killed on arrival ...

Secrets of Scotland Yard

剧情: 美国 1944-07-26  1944


Crazy House

剧情: 美国 1943-10-08  1943 (re-release)|瑞典 1944-05-22  1944|美国 1948-09-01  1948|丹麦 1950-07-31  1950advertis...

We've Never Been Licked

剧情: 美国 1943-07-29  1943 (premiere)|美国 1943-08-30  1943|瑞典 1944-03-06  1944

Adventures of Smilin' Jack

剧情: 美国 1943-01-05  1943


剧情: A US Navy engineer, returning to the US with his wife from a conference, finds himself pursued by Nazi agents, who are out to kill him. Without a word to his wi...


剧情: Two clubmen discuss the occult, introducing three weird tales: 1) Plain, bitter Henrietta secretly loves law student Michael. Then on Mardi Gras night, a myster...


剧情: 巴黎歌剧院中,小提琴家柯丹暗恋女演员克莉丝,聘名师指导其演技,克莉渐受重视,升为主唱。柯丹则因伤被迫退休,不久发现其作品被剽窃,愤而勒死出版商,自己则被毁容。之后,歌剧院开始闹鬼,除克莉丝外,女演员均离奇死亡,克莉丝亦受鬼魂掌控,剧院弥漫阴森的气氛。Pit violinist Claudin hopelessl...

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