电影网>明星资料馆>Mary Benoit



The Goldbergs

剧情: 美国 1950-12-23  1950|菲律宾 1952-05-13  1952


剧情: Donald Elwood meets after the war his former USO partner, Kitty McNeil, who is now a rich widow with a little child. She tries to evade her paternal grandmother...


剧情: 诺曼.陶洛格导演的本片,讲述一名纽奥尔良的渔夫蜕变成一位歌剧明星,并且赢得佳人芳心的故事。为英俊歌王马里奥.兰莎主演的第二部电影,戏中有很多发挥他歌唱才华的片段。至于剧情和制作都有中等水准,看来并不沉闷。大卫.尼文演一名艺术赞助人,而且是马里奥的情敌,可惜毫无特出表现。Snooty opera singer (Kath...



剧情: Jackie Walsh (Barbara Hale), divorced from Vernon Walsh (Robert Young), faints just before her marriage to Herbert Fletcher (Robert Hutton) and learns she is pr...

One Touch of Venus

剧情: A window dresser in a department store feels a strange attraction to a mannequin in the display. One night he impulsively kisses her; she comes to life and reve...


Three Hearts for Julia

剧情: 美国 1943-05-21  1943 (New York City, New York) (premiere)|瑞典 1945-03-05  1945


剧情: Soldier Joe Allen is on a two-day leave in New York, and there he meets Alice. She agrees to show him the sights and they spend the day together. In this short ...

That Night with You

剧情: 美国 1945-09-28  1945|瑞典 1945-12-10  1945|芬兰 1947-01-17  1947


剧情: 多立安·格雷的一个神秘朋友替他画了一张画像。随后格雷性情大变,抛弃未婚妻,逼她自杀,终日玩乐作孽。他发现,他做的坏事越多,外表越显得英俊年轻,只有那幅肖像越来越丑陋。他把肖像藏到阁楼上,但终于还是有人发现了他的秘密……Handsome, young, but morally corrupt Dorian Gray ha...


Experiment Perilous

剧情: In 1903, Dr. Bailey meets a very strange woman on a train, then hears that she has died under mysterious circumstances. Through a friend, he becomes acquainted ...

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