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剧情: 圣诞之夜,米妮(Russi Taylor 配音)作为嘉年华的明星滑入溜冰场,失望的黛西(Tress MacNeille 配音)想方设法破坏米妮的演出,以显露自己的才华。两个好姐妹反目成仇,展开一场虚荣和自尊的较量;圣诞前夜,三个小外甥捣蛋非常,史高治叔叔(Alan Young 配音)说他们恐怕无法得到圣诞老人的...

"Astro Boy tetsuwan atomu"

剧情: Astro Boy tells the story of a youthful robot boy - Astro - modeled after the deceased son of a research scientist, Dr. Tenma. Originally intended to be kept a ...


"Grim & Evil"

剧情: This series is a pairing of two separate cartoons. One is about the Grim Reaper, who after losing a bet, is forced to become the playmate of two children. One i...


剧情: 放暑假对于度日如年的熬过了一个学期的学生来说可是生活中最重要的事情了,对于第三街小学的孩子们来说更是如此。现在,他们终于得到解放,可以大玩特玩一番了。但是这个暑假他们过的一点也不轻松,不过却非常刺激。    正当T.J. 德维勒正盘算着如何和他那几个形影不离的伙伴们度过这段美好时光的时候,却发现朋友...


剧情: Final Fantasy X is set on the watery world of Spira. Once a technologically-advanced utopia, Spira\'s civilization was suddenly destroyed by an enormous force o...

"The Amanda Show"

剧情: The Amanda Show is another series that was spun off of "All That" for another of its breakout stars. It\'s a skit show with some of the characteristics ...



剧情: 十一岁的马特四年前失去了母亲,从此他的父亲、泰勒玩具公司的老板戴维·泰勒就一心扑在工作上,顾不上陪孩子们玩。马特的姐姐凯丽是个电脑天才,几年来一直在潜心研究一种人工智能芯片。马特和同学开设了自己的网络公司,产品是凯丽尚未研制成功的智能芯片,他们用招商得到的巨款购买了泰勒玩具公司的所有权。马特以虚拟的形象给公司职...

Men in Black Alien Attack

剧情: The Men in Black have relocated - to Universal Studios Florida. MIB Special Services has created an edutainment-type attraction called The Universe and You, out...


Batman Beyond: The Movie

剧情: Twenty years after Bruce Wayne\'s retirement as Batman, the world has changed even as he retreats from it, ceding control of his company, Wayne-Powers Enterpris...


剧情: 剧情简介小熊维尼的百亩森林中,有趣的故事永远在发生,在『春天早报到』里,一场暴风雪居然把兔子瑞比家的日历吹得东飞西散,但是可爱的小猪却成了众矢之的,这到底是怎么回事?而在『感恩节派对』中,众人为了庆祝感恩节,于是派出小熊维尼和小猪一起去抓火鸡,他俩真的能够不负使命吗?『耶诞稀客』的故事里曾把兔子瑞比误认为爹地的小鸟凯西...

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