电影网>明星资料馆>Matt Birman



My Date with the President's Daughter

剧情: Hallie has a curse, she\'s the daughter of the American President. And to make matters worse, it\'s an election year. But all she wants to do is go out on a dat...

Shadow Builder

剧情: An evil Archbishop of the Catholic Church summons a demon to try and destroy the world. The summoners are killed, but the demon escapes to hunt down its needed ...


剧情: Luc Devereaux and Veronica Roberts continue their attempts to expose the Universal Soldier unit. But after a hostage situation mistakenly leaves Veronica a fugi...


剧情:   在1982年拍摄了一部影响深刻且引起广泛争议的同名探索电影《迷墙》(Pink Floyd The Wall),片中没有一句对白,完全以画面结合原唱片中的歌曲以阐述了 Waters 的创作概念.     本片是“迷幻摇滚”的掌门乐队“平克·佛洛依德...


剧情:   所谓的都市传奇就是现代的民间传说,它们的来源已不可考,却在社会上广为流传,再加上人们以讹传讹,这些故事从荒谬怪诞到惊悚恐怖都有。美国新英格兰地区的普德顿大学也流传着一个都市传奇:三十年前,校内有一名异常心理学教授在史丹利大楼疯狂杀死六名学生后自杀。校内兄弟会的学生,每年都举办狂欢派对纪念这事件。   三十年后...

"The Last Don II"

剧情: 美国 1998-05-03  1998advertisement Croccifixio "Cross" De Lena: Hit \'em where it counts. An eye for an eye. Rosemary Cleric...


Breach of Faith: Family of Cops II

剧情: The family of cops is back, this time dealing with the murder of a priest tied in with the Russian Mafia, who proceed to try to draw the family off the case. 5...


剧情: 黑人警官哈里恩.里吉斯乃华盛顿高级警务人员,专办大案。这次他接手的代号为1600的谋杀案涉及国家机密:一位在白宫任职的年轻女子在白宫内被谋杀。调查深入到一定程度,他发现这里面的复杂程度远远超出他的想象。总统身边的特工做的一些事,不知是维法还是违法,某些重大案情的档案会神秘失踪。政府高官敌我不分,立场暖昧。里吉斯警官工作...

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