电影网>明星资料馆>J.B. Bivens



"The Outer Limits"

剧情: 美国 1995-03-26  1995 (French speaking region)|加拿大 1995-03-29  1995 (re-release)|英国 1995-05-01  1995|瑞士 1995-11-...


Snowbound: The Jim and Jennifer Stolpa Story

剧情: Two thousand miles from home, Jim and Jennifer Stolpa (with baby Clayton) lose their way and are stranded in an endless wilderness of deep snow, battling for su...


Arctic Blue

剧情: An environmentalist gets involved in transporting an accused killer (Ben) from an isolated Alaskan town to the authorities. Ben is determined to escape, and his...

Ernest Rides Again

剧情: Ernest P. Worrell becomes a new adventurer along with his History Professor partner, Abner Melon. Once they team up together, they discover a really huge existi...

"The X Files" Pilot

剧情: Skeptical FBI Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully is reassinged by Divison Chief Scott Blevins to work with the "believer" Fox William Mulder. Their fir...


剧情: 版本一: 詹姆斯和莫丽婚后带着一儿一女过着和乐融融的日子,且找到一份私人飞机驾驶员的工作,收入□渥,性感美丽的女者板还对他热情相待,莫丽就没那么好运气,她不但失去了金饭碗,还不时担心女老板会抢走自己的丈夫,丈母娘好心帮忙却搅得天翻地覆,除此之外他们养的两条狗也发展出一段妙趣横生的恋情…… 版本二: ...


剧情: X档案,是调查局的一个部门,那里面贮存着几十年来遇到的无法解释的超自然现象案件……    特别探员Fox Mulder在牛津大学修完心理学后,被调查局雇用,事业正一帆风顺时,他却突然将全部精力转向了超自然事件。在一次催眠中,他回忆到自己失踪多年的妹妹Samantha在他们还是孩童的时候被一种未知的力量带走,自...


The Resurrected

剧情: Charles Dexter Ward\'s wife enlists the help of a private detective to find out what her husband is up to in a remote cabin owned by his family for centuries. T...


剧情: 美国 1992-10-06  1992|阿根廷 1993-07-05  1993|法国 1993-09-01  1993|芬兰 1997-10-09  1997|匈牙利 2000-08-13...

Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster

剧情: The real-life struggle to contain the environmental and financial damage caused to Alaska by the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez is dramatized. Written by Da...

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