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剧情: 剧情简介在西弗吉尼亚的煤林地区,开采煤矿是当地所有人的生活中心。约翰希克曼(克里斯库珀),霍纳的父亲,经过了自己的努力,终于当上了监工,在当地建立了自己的地位和威信。约翰喜欢煤矿,因为这是整个地区存在的原因。如果没有人在那里发现煤矿,也就没有“煤林”这个地方。他是整个地区的中心人物,而他也希望霍纳和他兄弟吉姆来接班。 ...


剧情: 【剧情简介】: 位于南太平洋的平静小岛上,美军正秘密进行一项军事研究计划,研发致命化学武器——猫王。但一场因数据误估而引爆的意外,导致全岛军人全数丧生。18个军人被杀了,只有留在高安全密闭研究室负责该计划的军官布林纳上尉和研发科学家龙博士侥幸存活。在军事法庭上,博士隐瞒了这个秘密没有告诉法官。布林纳上尉因此接受军法审...


Miss Evers' Boys

剧情: In 1932 Macon County, Alabama, the federal government launched into a medical study called The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Blacks With Syphilis. The study selec...


"The Cape" Pilot

剧情: \'The Cape\' explores the daily lives of current-day NASA astronauts, astronauts in training (ASCANs) and support personnel. In the pilot, the Russians have los...

"The Cape"

剧情: 美国 1996-09-07  1996|芬兰 1997-08-15  1997|葡萄牙 1997-08-22  1997|德国 1997-10-07  1997advertisement ...

All She Ever Wanted

剧情: The Stockmans are the perfect couple...young, successful, and deeply in love...but they have one problem: They want children. Since Rachel suffers from severe b...


A Family Torn Apart

剧情: When young Brian Harrigan\'s adopted parents are found lying murdered in the basement, it\'s Brian\'s adopted brother Daniel that becomes the main suspect, base...

Stolen Babies

剧情: A 1940s Tennesee welfare worker learns that Georgia Tann, the charismatic head of a local adoption agency, is actually running a black-market baby ring behind t...


剧情: 剧情简介本片男主角瑞凡费尼克斯,21岁时就获得威尼斯影帝宝座,但却不幸在1993年10月,因吸毒过量意外猝逝,喜欢他的观众不要错过了本片!四位志同道合的乡村乐手,为了实现自我的梦想,前往乡村音乐之都,开创音乐事业。而就在这创业期间,他们却因彼此间的勾心斗角,使得关系变得复杂万分,并也与原本的计划脱节。虽然,对他们而言,...

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