电影网>明星资料馆>Peter Blais




剧情:     悲伤的故事,总是容易让人心碎……这里有三对来自于不同的生活背景的爱人,住在同一个小镇当中。透过高中生亚瑟的双眼,缓缓地展示出来的,有逝去的爱,也有重拾的爱,暗示出生命中不稳定的天性。   亚瑟是学校管乐队的长号手,放学之后还会到附近的中国餐馆打工,倒不是说他的生活环境需要他勤工俭学,而是他不想太早回家面对...


Trudeau II: Maverick in the Making

剧情: Born into privilege and wealth, Pierre Trudeau was a boy who grew to value something more in his life. Disgusted with the tyrannical regime of Maurice Duplesis\...


Plain Truth

剧情: Discomfort strikes an Amish farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania when a dead baby is found. When the mother is discovered and confirmed to be eighteen-year ol...



剧情: In 1968, Canada saw the election of a Prime Minister unlike any other in its history, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Handsome, witty, idealistic, flamboyant, courageous...


Bailey's Mistake

剧情: "Bailey\'s Mistake" is the name of a cold, dreary island that a bitter widow finds herself stuck on. Seems Liz Donovan (Linda Hamilton) got cut out of h...


Bed and Breakfast

剧情: Chandler owns and runs one of the finest bed & breakfasts in town. What his guests do not realize, is that each room is secretly monitored by a hidden video...

The Bookfair Murders

剧情: 加拿大 2000-04-09  2000

Task Force: Caviar

剧情: 芬兰 2003-02-06  2003|加拿大 2000-08-21  2000


The Wager

剧情: A dark and humorous suspense drama which begins late one night as Richard is entering his apartment. He encounters an odd man dressed in his underwear and holdi...

"Made in Canada"

剧情: 加拿大 1998-10-05  1998|法国 2004-07-03  2004advertisement [repeated line] Richard Strong: I think that went well. Richa...

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