电影网>明星资料馆>Robert Bockstael



Forget Me Never

剧情: Diane McGowin was an attorney in private practice. She found herself forgetting things, especially losing short term memory. She suspected that something was wr...

Top of the Food Chain

剧情: An isolated Canadian town (populated by the weirdest group of people this side of Saturn) has seen its share of problems. First the nut factory closed, then the...


剧情:   本片改编自真实题材,艾拉艾霍恩是70年代的反战分子,也是地球日的创始人之一。在60年代未期及70年代初期时,他与女友荷莉麦道斯同居,但当荷莉想离开他时却突然失踪了。之后人们在艾拉公寓裡的一只箱子裡发现了她的尸体。被控谋杀的艾拉潜逃出境,躲避执法单位的追捕。荷莉的父亲誓言要将杀女凶手绳之以法,不断派人追查艾拉的下落,...


His Bodyguard

剧情: A deaf and mute man working at his father\'s high tech bio-engineering firm witnesses criminals fleeing from the firm\'s headquarters just after they\'ve stolen...

A Father for Brittany

剧情: Keith and Kim Lussier are a childless couple who are given custody of a 3-month-old foster child, Brittany. However, tragedy strikes when Kim dies of cancer in ...

"The Famous Jett Jackson"

剧情: 美国 1998-10-25  1998advertisement Silverstone: My head feels like an elephant sat on it. Hawk: Don\'t worry, it should swell back up t...

Thanks of a Grateful Nation

剧情: The 1991 Persian Gulf War is a military triumph for the United States. But when thousands of returning veterans start to develop medical problems, it appears th...


剧情: 窈窕美少女欧蒂,是个差点被送入牢房的问题少女,在进入『高德女子中学』前,她原本以为女校会很拘束、很无聊,但是一碰到『义大利饺子』一切就完全改观了。欧蒂不但与这些女孩打成一片,更因为爱吃义大利饺,而组成『D.A.R.饺子盟』。        ...

The Defenders: Taking the First

剧情: John Walker is white supremacist. Now after hearing his speech, four boys go out and kill a young Hispanic. The Prestons are hired to defend one of them, who is...


Any Mother's Son

剧情: 美国 1997-08-11  1997

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