



剧情: Loner Cody trades with the Comanches to get a white girl released. He is joined on his way back to the girl\'s husband by an outlaw and his sidekicks. It turns ...

The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond

剧情: Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewellery thieves. After a spell in jail the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of ...



剧情: 芬兰 1959-01-09  1959|西德 1959-02-13  1959|瑞典 1959-03-02  1959|美国 1959-04-25  1959|法国 1959-09-04&n...


剧情: A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post,...



剧情: On his way home to West Texas, Tom Buchanan rides into the Californian border town of Agry, and into a feud between several members of the Agry family. In helpi...


Decision at Sundown

剧情: Bart Allison arrives in Sundown planning to kill Tate Kimbrough. Three years earlier he believed Kimbrough was responsible for the death of his wife. He finds K...


剧情: Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its...


The Killer Is Loose

剧情: A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills...


剧情: A former sheriff, haunted by the loss of his wife in a Wells Fargo robbery, hunts for the seven men responsible for her death. Along the way, he assists a coupl...


The Magnificent Matador

剧情: 美国 1955-05-24  1955|丹麦 1956-04-30  1956|西德 1956-05-22  1956|奥地利 1959-01-16  1959|芬兰 1960-08-01&...

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