


Wings of the Hawk

剧情: 美国 1953-10-25  1953|丹麦 1954-03-29  1954|瑞典 1954-05-24  1954|西德 1954-07-23  1954|奥地利 1954-12-10&...

East of Sumatra

剧情: 美国 1953-09-23  1953|芬兰 1953-12-18  1953|西德 1954-04-05  1954|奥地利 1954-04-19  1954

City Beneath the Sea

剧情: Divers Brad and Tony arrive in Jamaica to attempt salvage of the "Lady Luck," sunk with all hands and a million in gold. They charter a boat, "Ameri...


剧情:     公元1817年前后,欧洲移民侵占该区,因而爆发了一场印第安塞米诺尔战争。公元1835年,美国政府想把塞米诺尔人迁移到俄克拉荷马,从而再次引发塞米诺尔战争。塞米诺尔人在奥西欧拉的领导下,在沼泽进行游击战。但在公元1837年休战期间,当奥西欧拉与其他酋长一起去与政府谈判时被捕...

The Man from the Alamo

剧情: During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others\' families) but is too late to accomplish his missi...


Bronco Buster

剧情: 美国 1952-05-01  1952

Red Ball Express

剧情: August 1944: proceeding with the invasion of France, Patton\'s Third Army has advanced so far toward Paris that it cannot be supplied. To keep up the momentum, ...

Horizons West

剧情: 美国 1952-10-11  1952|瑞典 1953-05-11  1953|西德 1954-10-22  1954|奥地利 1954-11-29  1954|丹麦 1960-05-08&...


剧情: Audie Murphy comes into his own as a Western star in this story. Wrongly accused by crooked railroad officials of aiding a train heist by his old friends the Da...



剧情: Johnny Regan, a U.S. citizen, goes to Mexico and takes up bullfighting as a lark, hoping to impress a Mexican beauty, Anita de la Vega. His lighthearted studyin...

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