


剧情: 剧情简介当今时代不同意识形态和社会伦理之间最尖锐的矛盾冲突。影片讲述了一个美国女人(琼-艾伦)和一个中东男人(西蒙-艾柏凯利安)之间的狂热的爱情以及激情背后不可调和的矛盾,涵盖宗教,政治和性的主题。山姆和雪利在经历了出卖与被出卖的痛苦和伤害后,爱情的希望让他们愿意尝试洗刷心灵的的污垢踪迹弥合破碎的心灵,如同他们决心开始...



剧情: Clever adaptation of Chaucer\'s Canterbury to a modern setting. In Episode 1, The Miller\'s Tale, Nick Zakian attempts to seduce a landlord\'s wife with promise...


"NCS Manhunt"

剧情: 英国 2004-02-21  2004

Shaken and Stirred on Ice

剧情: 英国 2002-11-23  2002|荷兰 2003-01-08  2003

James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute

剧情: 英国 2002-12-28  2002

Bond Girls Are Forever

剧情: Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former \"Bond Girls\", the documentary traced the evolution of the ty...

Best Ever Bond

剧情: Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.瑞典 2004-10-30  ...


剧情: 詹姆斯・邦德以军火商的身份渗透进朝鲜的一个军事基地,朝鲜军官Moon上校正在用军火换取钻石,而邦德手提箱里的钻石被绑定了C4炸药。交易中,邦德的身份被Moon的助手Zao识破,经过一番殊死搏斗,邦德被俘,随后在监牢中受尽严刑拷打。 14个月后,朝鲜军方将邦德与Zao进行交换,然而重见天日的邦德却被...


The Hunt

剧情: A story of love, sex, seduction and violent death, set against the backdrop of a battle amongst the hunting fraternity. Sarah Campbell is a woman ostracised by ...

The Bombmaker

剧情: An expert IRA bomb-maker turned police informant retires and starts a new life after four school-children are killed by one of her bombs. Ten years later, her d...

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