


The Pennsylvania Miners' Story

剧情: Based on the real-life chronicle of the "nine for nine" Pennsylvania coal miners who were rescued in the summer of 2002. Told from their own perspective...


Final Payback

剧情: 美国 2001-04-24  2001

Hostage Negotiator

剧情: Theresa Foley has a successful carreer as an FBI negotiator. After a tough hostage situation in a bank, she is given a commendation and invited to give classes ...


How to Marry a Billionaire: A Christmas Tale

剧情: Three broke men, a sculpter, an obsessive compulsive teacher, and a stupid actor desperately want to be rich. Someone lends one of them their mansion and cars w...


剧情:   赏金猎人雷夫在一次任务中不幸遇害,留下大笔债务给妻子桃蒂(Annette O'Toole)和女儿布兰蒂(Aleksa Palladino);为了还债与维持生计,这对母女决定接手赏金猎人的工作,并决心找出杀害雷夫的凶手....    母女俩循线调查到...


Natural Selection

剧情: 美国 1999-10-07  1999


剧情: Gideon Dobbs is young, simple-minded man who checks into a retirement home where he finds the residents have lost their lust for life. Through his innocence he ...

Me and Will

剧情: Jane and Will are familiar faces on the Los Angeles club scene. They meet officially at drug rehab after Jane OD\'ed and Will crashed her motorcycle driving sto...


剧情: 吉米·盖特主持王牌电视节目《儿童世界》已达33年之久,节目嘉宾斯坦利-斯派克还有三天就能打破一项由神童唐尼-史密斯30年前创下的一项纪录。斯派克深知他不过是娱乐大众的一件道具,而曾经红极一时的唐尼的处境更令人堪忧,他现在一家电器店工作。 吉米此时也有自己的烦恼,他被诊断患有癌症,活不到两个月。吉米刚过...

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