电影网>明星资料馆>Geoffrey Bowes



Ultimate Deception

剧情: All bartender Terry Cuff (Yasmine Bleeth) ever dreams of is raising a family. When she marries Bobby Woodkin (Richard Grieco), she finds herself one step closer...

Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story

剧情: Fact-based story about a Bible-quoting woman (Christine Lahti) who in 1990 murdered a camp counselor (Robert Bockstael), whom she learned molested her 7 year ol...

If You Believe

剧情: Bah! Humbug! Susan Stone is definitely what you\'d call a modern-day scrooge. She is a young, jaded book editor who is consumed with self-doubt and has lost the...


When Husbands Cheat

剧情: After a woman helps prove her brother-in-law is cheating, she begins to work as a private investigator, but when she starts to suspect her husband is having an ...


剧情: 娱乐效果不俗的电视电影,对于未来世界的复制人、生化科技、野心家控制人类社会等并不算新鲜的议题,利用一个有趣的故事加以整合,对于喜欢科幻片的观众而言具有相当强的吸引力。故事背景是2013年的地球,由于一个生化科技集团不计后果地进行危害环境的实验,地球已变得不宜人居。科学家强尼.达顿在完成人类无性生殖实验后遭突击而昏迷了十...


剧情: 剧情简介安德鲁.孟德斯汉导演的电视电影,以曲折悬疑的剧情和诡异多变的气氛,将一个文学性颇浓的谋杀案故事处理得丝丝如扣,具有相当高的娱乐性。戴维.斯特雷泽恩饰演获普立兹小说奖的作家杰克森,他的最新作品以一名残酷的连环杀人犯为主角。当他获悉儿时好友在故乡逝世时,立刻回到小镇奔丧。抵步后,杰克森发现好友在生前正努力追查一宗四...



剧情: 美国 1997-09-01  1997|英国 2006-07-05  2006

"Due South"

剧情: 加拿大 1997-09-14  1997advertisement Ray Kowalski: D\'you find me attractive? Benton Fraser: In what sense? Ray Kowalski: In the sens...


Hostile Advances: The Kerry Ellison Story

剧情: Kerry Ellison has a good job at an office and she is happy. All goes well, until Jack Gilcrest starts having an interest in her. He starts following her, writin...

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