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剧情:     在斯特奇斯的这部黑色喜剧中。莱克斯扮演一位举世闻名的交响乐团指挥阿尔弗雷德,他有一个美艳的妻子,但他因自卑和自信心不足而怀疑妻子有外遇。外出时聘请私家侦探跟踪其妻,并在误会之下掌握到了她跟小提琴手红杏出墙的“证据”。在一次音乐会上,他一面指挥一面暗中计划着实施复仇,但当他即将把他的谋杀幻想付诸行动时,却因计划不...


Messenger of Peace

剧情: 美国 1953-01-15  1953 (re-release)


剧情: Quiet, organised Dr Talbot meets nightclub singer Nora Prentiss when she is slightly hurt in a street accident. Despite her misgivings they become heavily invol...

Robin Hood of Texas

剧情: 美国 1947-07-15  1947

Last Days of Boot Hill

剧情: 美国 1947-11-20  1947

Salty O'Rourke

剧情: 美国 1945-03-22  1945 (Arizona)|美国 1945-04-25  1945 (New York City, New York)|瑞典 1947-03-24  1947 (Nice)|芬兰 1947...

Down to Earth

剧情: Upset about a new Broadway musical\'s mockery of Greek mythology, the goddess Terpsichore comes down to earth and lands a part in the show. She works her charms...


剧情: United States Treasury agents O\'Brien and Genaro infiltrate a counterfeiting ring which has some dangerously good paper. This is supposedly based on several ac...


剧情: Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship. The festive atmosphere conceals many tensions among those connected with the ship,...

Dick Tracy's Dilemma

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   美国 1947-05-20  1947Police dispatcher: Calling Car 15. Calling Car 15. Car 15! Pat Patton: Car 15, Patton speaking. Police...

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