电影网>明星资料馆>Patrick Brock




剧情: 富家女珍妮某日邀好友蜜妮一同乘车反家,由其母秘书黛博拉驾。未料中途遭劫,蜜妮惨死,珍妮被掳,黛博拉昏迷。珍妮之母苏珊立刻请昔日男友琼斯上尉协助,原来琼斯为珍妮生父。琼斯随即展开救援行动,竟发现黛博拉及昔日仇敌贝上校涉有重嫌,究竟谁是凶手?目标为何?结果如何?一波波的调查行动,令人匪夷所思,惊险刺激,激战场面胜过\"魔鬼...


Circuitry Man

剧情: In a future where most humans have moved underground to escape the pollution, one of the few pleasures left is a kind of narcotic in the form of chips which can...

W.B., Blue and the Bean

剧情: Three modern-day Los Angeles bounty hunters, known only by their code names, White Bread, Bean, and Blue, are hired by their bail bondsman boss to look after a ...

Spontaneous Combustion

剧情: 西德 1990-06-07  1990|美国 1990-02-23  1990

"Working Girl"

剧情: 美国 1990-04-16  1990|德国 2000-10-06  2000

Spaced Invaders

剧情: When one saucer of an invasion force has engine trouble, it lands on Earth. It happens to be Halloween and it happens the invaders are only about 4 feet tall. A...

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