电影网>明星资料馆>Robert Z'Dar



The Legend of Wolf Mountain

剧情: Three children are kidnapped by escaped convicts and end up in a forrest, where they are released. They then have to elude the convicts when they return. They a...

Double Blast

剧情: Two kids with martial arts training and their black belt father (Dale Cook) rescue a professor (Linda Blair) from gangsters who want a stone tablet that she has...

Ill Met by Moonlight

剧情: This is a modern adaptation of A Midsummer Night\'s Dream (1999) by \'William Shakespeare\' . It is filmed almost entirely at night in Los Angeles, often in bac...


剧情: 剧情简介两个没什么搞头的年轻小子,意外地捡到了政府的尖端科技产物,他们本预期能获得国家颁发奖金给他们,反而却莫名其妙地,成为政府特务机关的特工人员,特务机关内黑幕重重,他们最后认清事实,打算抽身而退,但上头的人,不愿放过他们。


Frogtown II

剧情: In the sequel to Hell Comes to Frogtown, the Mutant-Frog leader of Frogtown kidnaps a professor and forces him to make a serum that will turn everyone into Frog...

In a Moment of Passion

剧情: 波兰 1993-03-19  1993|美国 1993-10-06  1993

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