电影网>明星资料馆>Graeme Campbell



"Instant Star"

剧情: 德国 2006-01-09  2006|美国 2005-07-01  2005|加拿大 2004-09-15  200424 Jamie d3d : Kat, I\'ve been calling you. Kat B...


Going for Broke

剧情: 意大利 2004-03-10  2004|阿根廷 2004-02-25  2004|美国 2003-07-14  2003


"The Eleventh Hour"

剧情: On TV, the newsmagazine show, The Eleventh Hour, has made a name for itself for insightful news stories. In this series, we see follow the efforts of the journa...

"Strange Days at Blake Holsey High"

剧情: 意大利 2004-10-01  2004|挪威 2003-10-27  2003|美国 2002-10-03  2002Lucas Randall: So how do we know which one is Josie? ...

Guilt by Association

剧情: Life is good for Susan, her two children and new boyfriend Russell. But life abruptly changes when she discovers her perfect boyfriend is a drug dealer. Realisi...

"Degrassi: The Next Generation"

剧情: This is a show about the lives of students at Degrassi Community School. There are about 15 main characters: Paige Michalchuk, Marco Del Rossi, Alex Nunez, Elli...


Dangerous Child

剧情: 美国 2001-07-16  2001

"Mutant X"

剧情: A secret government project to create genetic mutants results in them being released into the general population. One of the scientists responsible, Adam, has s...



剧情: 美国与加拿大联合制作的歌唱喜剧。描述一名过时的唱片制作人接到一件苦差事,要为唱片业大亨将他那个没有歌唱天份的女友捧为红歌手。此时,他正好发现一名家庭主妇唱功了得,于是移花接木请她作幕后代唱,最后当然是真相被人揭穿了。本片的故事构思虽然有点模仿经典作Roger Deacon, a down-and-out record ...


剧情: It\'s the year UC 0223. With the Earth Federation collapsed, a new govenment has risen: The Congress of Settlement Nations (CONSENT). This new government tries ...

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