电影网>明星资料馆>Ismael 'East' Carlo



The Suitor

剧情: Yolanda Garcia (Rosa Arredondo) is called home to the Dominican Republic to work on her uncle\'s presidential campaign. Despite her insistence, her live-in love...

The Way She Moves

剧情: In Houston, the aspirant to photographer Amie (Annabeth Gish) receives a complete Salsa and Mambo dancing course from her close colleagues and friends as her we...

Almost a Woman

剧情: A young woman named Esmeralda and her family move to New York from a rural area of Puerto Rico. The transition is difficult due to the many challenges she and h...


A Family in Crisis: The Elian Gonzales Story

剧情: Based on the true headline-generating story of the five-year-old Cuban boy who is the sole survivor of a refugee boat that sunk in a storm on its way to the U.S...



剧情: 剧情简介千禧年第一天的凌晨零点零一分,数以百万的电视内部计时器将失灵。其中,有一台电视控制着哥伦比亚丛林里的一座主要秘密飞弹基地台,它将会误认现在是1969年,而此时美国则遭受到核子飞弹的攻击。  除非接收到来自于COCOLEO的解除启动指令,否则,该部电视将会发射世上前所未知、宛如世界末日般的反击,诺德(NORAD)...


剧情: 剧情简介天才怪博士勒佛里斯(肯尼斯布莱纳),因在实验中失去双腿,所以没有下半身的他,上半身如雕像般搁放在轮椅上。残缺的他个性怪怪到处作乱,驾驶自己发明的机器大蜘蛛,意谋杀总统。因此风流倜傥、身手矫健的联邦特詹姆斯魏思特(威尔史密斯),与易容大师阿默高登(凯文克莱饰)被奉命捉拿这位搞鬼博士。  魏恩特耍聪明的行事风格让高...


The Christmas Wish

剧情: 德国 2002-12-21  2002|英国 2001-12-25  2001|美国 1998-12-06  1998


剧情: 亨特帕奇亚当斯在学校中总是因为“过分乐观”而受到责备,曾经一个导师对他说:“你想要成为小丑,那就去马戏团。”   其实,帕奇亚当斯是想成为一个小丑,但同时他也想成为一个医生。于是他将两者综合,成为了现在的他。   帕奇亚当斯在六十年代末进入弗吉尼亚医学院学习,毕业后,他成立了一个学院,致力于更接近的人性化的...

The Unknown Cyclist

剧情: 美国 1998-10-10  1998Melissa Cavatelli: The man is an alcoholic penis with legs. [trying to come out to his mother] Doug Stein: Is there some...

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