电影网>明星资料馆>Paco Catalá




剧情: 电影开始时像一个典型的两代间的冲突故事,少女蓓姿就像其他青春期的青少年一样,和父母有沟通上的困难;但当她与丹尼坠入爱河后,这个每个人都会经过的阶段却演变成悲剧。本影片是个隐喻,它透过蓓姿的眼睛来看世界,他眼中所见的事物并不美好,就连她的爱情也是乌云密布。A young girl, after failing an ex...

Sal de la vida, La

剧情: The film tells in a funny way the ups and downs of a widower who would like to marry again. But his choice to take a young woman as the bride does not conform w...


剧情: 西班牙 1996-02-16  1996 (DVD premiere)|阿根廷 2006-11-30  2006


剧情: 剧情简介安东尼是典型都会年轻人,一个不知道自己到底要什么的花花公子。他靠著在咖啡厅当服务生与偶尔表演舞蹈维生──他想成为佛朗明歌舞者。当他遇见露西亚时,他的人生开始转变。她很不同,跟她在一起,他发现一个全新的世界,那是对真爱的承诺与奉献。露西亚不是一个普通的吉普赛女孩,她主修古董修复并且在她爸爸的古董店帮忙。她尊重她的...


Suspiros de España (y Portugal)

剧情: After the death of the abbot of a small convent the two monks who are left discover among the papers of the passed away abbot letters from the mother of one of ...

Cuernos de mujer

剧情: Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He di...

Trinità & Bambino... e adesso tocca a noi

剧情: 意大利 1995-06-29  1995|西班牙 1997-07-04  1997

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