电影网>明星资料馆>Nora Cecil



Big Town

剧情: 美国 1947-05-23  1947


剧情: Eugene O\'Neill\'s updated version of the Orestaia. In New England, after the American Civil War, a war-weary Agamem--er, Ezra Mannon comes home to his unhappy ...


剧情: 一位新墨西哥州的牧场主人,由于过分热心工作而逐渐疏远了他的家庭,家人并没有放弃他,而是积极地帮助他,最后使得他又重回了家庭的怀抱。这是一部拍得十分缓慢而感伤的西部文艺片,内容和趣味性都显得有点单薄,显然影片是拍得太长了。导演伊莱亚.卡赞的导技在本片中表现得平凡无奇,而史班赛屈塞和凯瑟琳.赫本这对美妙的搭档也显不出应有的...


Johnny Comes Flying Home

剧情: 美国 1946-04-05  1946

The Missing Lady

剧情: 美国 1946-08-17  1946


剧情: Abigail Chandler has written her stuffy Boston relatives that she\'s a successful opera singer in New York. In reality, she works at a burlesque house and is bi...

No Leave, No Love

剧情: 美国 1946-10-03  1946|瑞典 1946-12-16  1946|芬兰 1948-01-16  1948|法国 1948-06-09  1948

The Kid from Brooklyn

剧情: Shy milkman Burleigh Sullivan accidentally knocks out drunken Speed McFarlane, a champion boxer who was flirting with Burleigh\'s sister. The newspapers get hol...


Lady on a Train

剧情: While waiting at a train station, Nikki Collins witnesses a murder from a nearby building. When she brings the police to the scene of the crime, they think she\...


剧情: 威廉.鲍威尔与玛娜.洛伊搭档主演的瘦子侦探系列影片在三、四十年代曾风行一时,本片是系列中的第五集,拍摄于第二次世界大战后期。导演理查德.托普采用轻松幽默手法,描述尼克偕罗娜回乡探望家人,他们的大侦探名声轰动邻里。一位年轻风景画家显然想找他们夫妻帮忙,但在提出要求前便遭神秘客枪杀。尼克对这宗命案展开调查,发现他的风景画被...

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