电影网>明星资料馆>Carlos Cervantes




剧情: 洛杉矶市危机处理中心总指挥麦可洛克当地震前兆发生时,取消休假亲往烧死修理下水道工人的现场勘察,发现地底溢出异常高温的液体,百思不解,乃请教地质学家艾美博士,艾美证实火山即将爆发。接下来便是火山溶岩像河流一样肆虐这个大城市,麦可等人的任务是如何将岩浆引入大海,避免洛城毁于一旦。 After a seemingl...


The Cherokee Kid

剧情: When greedy land-grabber, Bloomington (Coburn), destroys his family, Isaiah (Sinbad), knows nothing about the world, but vows to someday get revenge. He learns ...

"Land's End"

剧情: 葡萄牙 1996-11-26  1996|法国 1998-03-15  1998

Race Against Time: The Search for Sarah

剧情: The true story of the disappearance of Sarah Porter. With no help from the police, Sarah\'s parents are forced to act on their own to find her. They must battle...


The O.J. Simpson Story

剧情: Dramatizes some of the more tawdry events in the relationship between O.J. Simpson and his wife, Nicole Brown, up to and including his arrest for Brown\'s murde...

Under the Hula Moon

剧情: In the desert outside Cactus Gulch, Arizona, Buzzard and Betty Jean Wall live in a trailer decorated in Hawaiian themes. Betty\'s trying to get pregnant. Buzz w...


Midnight Run for Your Life

剧情: 美国 1994-06-11  1994Jack Walsh: [Lorna takes a long time in the shower] Kid, it\'s time to hit the road. Lorna! Come on, I\'m too tired to play ga...


剧情: 剧情简介卡南是一位除役的军人,他历经无数战役,也目睹战争的惨痛,更遭受战争的创伤,而使他两眼失明。但他为了誓约要把一名婴儿带到一个叫洛坡特斯的城市,却在桑柏特城当地遭到匪徒的攻击,所幸遇到一名美丽的护士凯若琳,她答应带卡南前往洛坡特斯城,而卡南必须帮助当地居民抵御匪徒,他俩的约定也就由此而...。


剧情: 凯南.伊沃里.韦恩斯自编自导自演的动作喜剧,在处理上稍嫌粗糙,廉价笑料的安排也有点公式化,但剧情发展热闹流畅,饰演侦探助手的杰达.平克特也相当抢镜头。故事描述安卓因为把一椿贩毒案搞砸,被警察局开除,他干脆干起私家侦探。由于安卓在黑白两道都吃得开,美国药物管理局竟然聘请他去追回一些失踪的贩毒黑钱,于是安卓与助手皮区斯跟黑...

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