


The Next Big Thing

剧情: 2002-06-14  2002|美国 2001-11-08  2001


剧情: A deadly thriller set in New Orleans, about a wealthy businessman, Charlie Le Blanc (Burt Reynolds), who discovers that he only has a short time to live. As he ...


剧情: 纽约的街头到处弥漫着一股不安的气氛,一名丧心病狂的连续杀人犯专挑计程车司机下手,四名计程车司机被迫负起守夜职勤的任务,他们会成为下一波的受害者吗? 十一点四十五分,计程车行夜班开始,四名计程车司机上工。这是个一如往昔的夜晚,对身为难民的米兹拉Mizra来说,他只是从一种战场逃到另外一种战场的生活而已;对荷西H...


The Cactus Kid

剧情: 美国 2000-12-07  2000


剧情: 匈牙利 2002-12-18  2002|芬兰 2001-05-15  2001|法国 2001-05-11  2001|以色列 2000-12-21  2000|新西兰 2000-10-2...


剧情: Ed Stevens is a contracts lawyer at a high-profile New York City firm. Around the same time he splits with his wife (she slept with a mailman), he makes a singl...


Murder in a Small Town

剧情: Due to a tragic incident Larry "Cash" Carter, a successful Broadway director, winds up in a small town in Connecticut working in community theater. With...

The Lady in Question

剧情: In 1938, Jewish-rights activist Emma Sachs is targeted by the Nazis. When she dies, foul play is suspected. But was it the Nazis, or was it someone else? Det. T...


剧情: 葛劳莉亚身为黑道大哥的女友,什么场面没见过,风尘里打滚十几年,不料却栽在一名六岁大的男孩手中,冒死为他赴汤蹈火、两肋插刀。美艳巨星莎朗史东在片中饰演不向命运低头的风尘女子葛劳莉亚。她因替男友凯文顶罪而被判入狱,在狱期间,凯文都没去看过她。心灰意冷的葛劳莉亚,假释出狱后,立刻搭机直奔纽约,向凯文讨回当初答应给她的一笔钱,...

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