电影网>明星资料馆>John Clayton




剧情: 影片的女主角莉莉不幸被解雇,身无分文的她只得借酒浇愁。一个偶然的机会她遇到了自己的女儿,当初正是自己将其遗弃。窘困的处境和复杂的心境使得莉莉不敢和女儿相认,再一次痛苦地离开了她。莉莉的男友对未来充满了不切实际的幻想,这使得自以为是个强者的莉莉有些害怕。知道真相后的女儿终于找到了莉莉,通过不可割舍的血缘关系和那份深切的母...


Alice to Nowhere

剧情: A nurse who has been hired to staff a remote outpost in the Australian outback unwittingly carries a stash of jewels taken in a foiled robbery. The robbers trac...

"The Flying Doctors"

剧情: 澳大利亚 1986-05-15  1986|瑞典 1986-05-21  1986|荷兰 1987-06-08  1987|德国 1991-03-26  1991advertisement ...


Unfinished Business

剧情: Maureen\'s biological clock is ticking, and she wants a baby. Her husband George is unable to oblige. When Maureen bumps into Geoff, a former lover from years a...


Silver City

剧情: After World War II, 4,000 Polish families came to Australia. They were Jews, Fascists, anti-Communists, and others dispossessed. In a large hostel, where even m...


Who Killed Baby Azaria?

剧情: During a camping trip to Ayers Rock in outback Australia, she claims that she witnessed a dingo taking her baby daughter Azaria from the family tent. Azaria\'s ...

"The Dismissal"

剧情: advertisement Gough Whitlam: [referring to Opposition Leader Billy Snedden] Before the Leader of the Opposition can talk about leadership, let him serv...

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